For a comprehensive guide to recruiting at Georgia College & State University, refer to our detailed HIRE GC GUIDE to learn about our students, how to set up internship programs, various engagement opportunities, and view a list of career fairs hosted throughout the year.
To request a visit to campus for tabling, interviews, or informational sessions, please fill out our form HERE.
about our students
Georgia College has approximately 6,600 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in one of 37 undergraduate degree programs or one of 25 graduate programs. Our students receive a well-rounded liberal arts education that will set them apart from other candidates. Through their core curriculum, academic major, and out of class experiences, GC students develop strong written and verbal communication, analytical, teamwork, problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, intercultural, and information literacy skills.
Employers and graduate programs should contact the Career Center to determine the best ways to connect with and recruit GCSU students for jobs and internships.
Find out more about the degree programs offered at Georgia College and our students. View a list of all Georgia College degree programs. Employers and graduate programs can also view our Institutional Fact Book.
Employer Sponsorships
Partnering with the Georgia College & State University Career Center assist employers who desire to raise awareness of their organization throughout the year. We invite interested employers to help us help our students by participating in partnership opportunities. Becoming a sponsor provides multiple opportunities to build your brand on campus while also helping to create meaningful connections with Georgia College students.
Register for an Employer Info Session

Post Jobs and Internships
Bring fresh talent to your organization by posting jobs, internships, and graduate school opportunities for our current students and alumni through our Handshake job portal. This online tool is GC’s number one online tool for students to search for jobs and internships. Register in Handshake.
Career Fairs
Georgia College is proud to host ten on-campus career fairs during the academic year. We are confident that one of our events will meet your recruitment needs. Find out more information and register for one of our career fairs on Handshake at or reach out to us at 478-445-5384 or
For a complete schedule, description, and registration access of our career fairs, visit our career fair website. Below you will see a list of career fairs, which are updated each year on Handshake for both employer and student registration. Georgia College offers more than 15 career fairs and networking activities to students each year which include Part-time Job Fair, Accounting Career Fair, Fall Career & Internship Expo, Graduate & Professional School Fair, Career Opportunities Fair - Atlanta, Teacher Recruitment Day, Nursing & Health Career Expo, Information Technology Career Fair, Science, Math & Engineering Industry Night, All Industry Career & Internship Expo, Creative Industries Fair, and the Statewide Career Fair in Atlanta.
Additional On-Campus Recruitment opportunities

Campus Interviews
Host your interviews on campus through our campus interview program. We provide the space, help you schedule the interviews, and work out the logistics for an effortless interviewing experience. Find out more information about our campus interview program by contacting us at 478-445-5384 or by email at
Mock Interview and Resume Review Days
Each semester, the Career Center rely on our employer and alumni volunteers to conduct mock interviews for our Employer Mock Interview Program during specific Employer Mock Interview Days. In addition, we also look for employers willing to help with our drop-in Resume Review Days prior to career fairs. These opportunities help companies connect with potential talent while also providing students with advice on their interview skills and resume writing abilities. This type of event is especially ideal for those of you who are uncertain of your hiring projections or only hire a few times each year but want to establish a pipeline of talent from Georgia College. To volunteer, contact us by phone at 478-445-5384 or by email at so that a staff member can contact you with details.
Assist with a Career Center Event
Do you have expertise in a particular area such as salary negotiating, cover letter writing, etc.? Presenting on a particular topic related to career development is a great way to connect with students who may not show up for a traditional company information session. We recommend scheduling these sessions at least one month in advance so that we have plenty of time to market the opportunity to students. To schedule your career development session contact us at 478-445-5384 or
Information Tables and Sessions
Any company wishing to recruit on campus should go through the Career Center to reserve space and to receive information on catering, if needed. Organizations have the opportunity to set up a table outside or in the library atrium, cafeteria, or an academic building, or host an informational session their job and internship opportunities. Our Career Resource Room in Lanier Hall provides space suitable for presenting to a small group of students. We also host a variety of career fairs throughout the year and recommend that companies and graduate programs participate in these events in order to see the most students possible. Graduate programs, in particular, should plan to attend the Fall Graduate & Professional School Fair. When organizations want to provide food at their information session or table, they must use our campus catering services. To set up an information table or session, contact us at 478-445-5384 or
Start an Internship Program
Interested in starting an internship program at your organization, but don’t know where to begin? Let us help you navigate this process to create an amazing internship experience for the student and your company. View our Guide to Recruiting Interns at Georgia College and Internship Frequently Asked Questions packet. We also encourage you to contact us at contact us at 478-445-5384 or to discuss the specifics of your internship and how to connect with more GC students.
University Recruitment Policy
Employers who use our services and participate in our recruitment activities must comply with the Principles for Professional Conduct outlined by the National Association of Colleges & Employers. This information is available at as well as Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines. Please contact us if you have any questions about our guidelines and how they fit your company’s recruitment process.